Dr. Eli Nacht escorted an
Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, Isolated by her neighbors, in dire need of friends worldwide Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East!
Aliyah & absorption
Israel Empowerment lobby is collaborating with the government of Israel and providing all the necessary assistance to immigrants and returning residents...
Support IDF
All the men and women serving in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), all the injured veterans, and all the families of fallen soldiers require our aid and support through...
Holocaust Survivors
Nowadays profound number of people is at risk for depression, social isolation, instant health complications and issues concerning traumatic memories of wartime experiences...
Dr. Eli Nacht escorted an
On the Independence Day of
The Finnish branch of the
Dr. Eli Nacht, director of
Caleb Company from Nashville and
The Israel Empowerment Lobby decided
Israel Empowerment Lobby
Welcome to official IEL web site. Israel Empowerment Lobby promotes projects to strengthen Israel internationally through the concerted work of Israel advocacy. Israel needs friends – let us together be the hands of blessing that empower Israel! Don't hesitate to tell your friend about us!