“Thus says the LORD: I have returned to Zion and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem, and Jerusalem shall be called the faithful city,
and the mountain of the LORD of hosts, the holy mountain.” (Zehariah 8:3)
Spiritual Diplomacy
Meeting with the President of Israel
Meeting with the President of Israel

Dr. Eli Nacht escorted an Australian/American business delegation in the Knesset, interested in unique Israeli technology for irrigating the vast desert lands of Australia…

Israel Independence Day – Ashdod
On the Independence Day of Israel, the Caleb company and Voice of Judah Ministry joined Israel Empowerment Lobby and provided pre-charged food cards to 150

The Finnish branch of the International Christian Embassy organized for Dr. Eli Nacht, the Chairman of Israel Empowerment Lobby in the Knesset to meet and

Meetings in Knesset
Meetings in Knesset

Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast
Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast


Israel delegation to Moscow for the 9th of May
Christian Media Summit, Jerusalem
Christian Media Summit, Jerusalem


Meeting Ukrainia pastors
IEL in Europe Parliament

Visit of Israel Parliamentary delegation to Baku. With M.K Hamad Amar and M.K Robert Ilatov
Israel delegation to Azerbaidjan

Israel commemorating Israel memorial day with the Israeli Embassador to Azerbaidjan, General major Uzi Dayan, Prof. Daniel Hershkovits, adv. Ei Nacht
IEL in Europe Parliament
Eli Nacht, CEO of Israel Empowerment lobby representing the position of Israel in Israeli-Palestinian delegation

Visit to Moscow

Visit to Moscow. Meeting with Chairman of foreign committee of Duma, Mr. Leonid Slutskiy
Visit of Israel Parliamentary delegation to Baku
Visit of Israel Parliamentary delegation to Baku. With M.K Hamad Amar and M.K Robert Ilatov
Meeting with the Russian Ambassador to Israel

Meeting with the Russian Ambassador to Israel and the President of FIDE
IEL Celebrating the Taiwan independence in Moscow

Eli Nacht the CEO of IEL was invited by the embassador of Taiwan to Celebrate the Taiwan independence in Moscow
Just before the onset of Yom Kippur, the CEO of the IEL, Dr Eli Nacht met with a group of Christians who love Israel. He spoke to them about the complex relationship that that exists between Jews and Christians, the fears Jews have and their suspicions regarding their contributions to Israel. This is a group that came to pray, to give and to do beneficial work. This visit included donations to Hadassah Hospital. It was a fun and productive time.
Spiritual Diplomacy
CFI Holland

International Christian Chamber of Commerce
