
An historical meeting with Malasian MP Baru Bian

An inside scoop – The activities of Messianic Jews in Petach Tikva

*Scroll down to see what the CEO of the IEL has to say on this very important matter* The Hebrew online news site of Yediot Aharonot published an article in their Petakh Tikva division where Haredi leaders had been extremely vocal against those they call missionaries.  The journalists interviewed individual Messianic Jews and representatives of […]

United Nations Environment Programme

World Environment Day (W.E.D) is observed every year on 5 June to raise global awareness to take positive environmental action for the benefit of humankind. It has been run by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) since 1972 This year, Dr Eli Nacht was granted an award for his contribution to the environment!

CFI Holland

Dr. Eli Nacht, Director IEL in the Knesset was invited to participate in CFI(Christians For Israel) summit in Holland. Dr. Nacht met with Sara Van Oordt from CFI, Holland  –  Christenen voor Israel, Pas. Jan Barendse from CGI and M.P. Drs. J.S. Joel Voordewind, member of Holland Parliament, Christian Union Party.

Russian Jewish Congress

Dr Eli Nacht, CEO of the IEL was at the Israeli Knesset today and was awarded a medal and certificate of appreciation on behalf of the International Commission for the Protection of Human rights in Germany.  He is pictured here with Gabriel Zaharyaev – a businessman and vice-president of the Russian Jewish Congress.  Mr  Zaharyaev […]

Delegation of businessmen from China

Dr Eli Nacht, the CEO of the IEL hosted another delegation of businessmen from China in regards to Housing & Construction (Shikun U’Binui) with Shari Arison Housing Company Ltd.